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Surishtha Sehgal on the Festival of Colors

Surishtha Sehgal

Surishtha SeghaI and Kabir Sehgal are the writers of picture books A Bucket of Blessings, Wheels on the Tuk Tuk and their latest Festival of Colors. We spoke to Surishtha Seghal about her inspiration for the book and memories of Holi. 

How did you and Kabir begin writing for children? 

I enjoyed writing as a child, my mom always said that someday I should write children's books.  Kabir is a gifted writer and has published several books. It came natural to partner and become a "unique" mother son team contributing to children's literature.

Can you share a bit about the process of moving from an idea to writing this book?​        

Our writing studio is open 24 hours a day. We discuss our ideas and when we both feel something is reverberating we begin writing. 

​Did you ever make your Holi colors growing up as a child? How do you celebrate Holi now?

 Always played Holi, soaking Tesu flowers in a tub of water and Gulal colors made from natural ingredients and  putting them on family and friends.  There were always plenty of homemade sweets.  

The illustrations are bright and colorful and we're sure the kids would love them! We noticed some rangolis and diyas in there - do those have significance for Holi? 

Diya-is a lamp made of clay which contains a wick dipped in oil.  When the wick is lighted darkness is dispelled and the light spreads positive energy. Rangoli-is a form of art in which a design is made on the ground generally at an entrance with natural colors, colored rice, flower petals etc. to welcome, bring happiness and good luck. Both relate to the spirit of "Festival of Colors".

Your book A Bucket of Blessings and Wheels on the Tuk Tuk share elements of Indian culture and stories. Do you have any other similar books in the pipeline?

Yes, we have another book releasing later this year and more on the way.​

What do you enjoy most about Holi - playing with colors or eating sweets (gujias)?

Playing with colors as it is unique to Holi!
Also see our books on Holi

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